Sunday, June 8, 2008

Baby Steps - Centering

There are so many things that I know you want to learn more about. Some of you have already asked about connecting with a loved one whom is no longer with us, some have asked about getting in touch with their intuitive sides. I see and read stories all the time from people who all want to be in tune with the world around them. And there is nothing I would like more to help you start those journeys. But surely you have heard the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. And today, we are going to start with something we all need to be able to do before we begin that long journey.

You see, to be in tune with the spiritual side of this world, your body has to be in tune itself really. If you are not well centered, then your success at doing and learning the things you want is going to be varied, to say the least. So today, as we begin this journey together, I'm going to teach you how to center yourself. I would suggest either printing or copying these steps down and practicing them each day. Because as I said, if you are not centered yourself, the world around you is not going to appear that way either.

So let's begin. What I'm going to give you today is a very simple exercise you can do that requires nothing more than a quiet room you can use for 15-30 minutes. And here's what I would like for you to do.

1- Somewhere in that quiet room, I want you to stand up with your back straight and feet placed together. You're not going to get much use if you are sprawled out on the sofa with your arms and legs akimbo. Close your eyes while you are at it.

2- Take three deep breaths. Make sure they are slow too. This part of the exercise is to slow the heartbeat down in what is a very busy and overworked world.

3- In the next step, I want you to use your imagination for a moment. Just imagine yourself as a tree, and that your feet are like roots sinking into the ground. Keep your eyes closed, and really focus on the imagery you have created in your mind. Do continue those deep breaths, and try to maintain that single minded focus.

4- Next, I want you to concentrate on the center of your chest. In anatomy terms, we are talking about the solar plexus. This is the midpoint of your pectoral muscle and where your stomach begins. While you still have your eyes closed, imagine there is a sun burning in the center of your chest. Imagine that your own personal energy is merging with the energy of the world around you. As you have completed that, take five more deep breaths to finish the exercise.

Now I know this is a very simple exercise, but you also have to keep in mind that we are just beginning. You have to crawl before you can walk. So I encourage you to try that exercise each day. I have a feeling you'll notice a difference in the way you go about your day.

In everything I am going to try to teach you, you must keep in mind that there is nothing one person can do that another can not. With proper teaching and motivation, you can do anything anyone else can do. And that's what I'm here for, to show you these things and how you can do it too! In our next discussion, we'll be taking the next step in this journey together.

If only you could see what I can see!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Journey Is About To Begin

Hello there, my friends! Before I even get started, I want to thank all of my friends and clients and new visitors whom checked out the blog this past week. Not only did they check it out, some of you left comments here on the blog. And some sent me personal e-mails to give me their input as well. That is the kind of thing I like to see. Because ultimately what this is all about is you. I want this site to be a regular bookmark on your favorites, and hope you come back again and again to not only correspond with me but hear what some of the others have to say.

I would also like to encourage some of you who have had readings with me to leave some feedback about it here in the comments. I think it would be a great boon to the new people who happen across the site, and are curious about who I am and what I have to offer.

In the days ahead, yours truly is going to begin doing what I said I would do last time. That is to go over some of the many topics you all have asked about. Next entry you read, I am going to discuss how we are all gifted, but only a few of us have learned to tap into it. If you have any other topics you'd like covered, leave them here as I read them all, I assure you.

In the meantime, I am very grateful for you checking out my blog and my web site! I am offering referral bonuses to everyone whom refers a friend to allow me to help them. For every minute your referral buys, you get the same amount added to your account as well.

With that said, thank you once again for your feedback and input. I am greatly looking forward to this journey of enlightenment we are all preparing to embark upon. As the motto goes...

If only you could see what I can see!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

If You Could See What I Can See

Hello there, my friends! I know it has been quite some time since I have communicated with you via this blog, but I look to rectify that now. When I created it, the sole concern I had was wondering whether or not I would always have something interesting to write about. And for the longest time, I haven't.

But that has all changed, and I have tons of ideas for this here blog. I know so many of you have questions about things, want to learn more about the spiritual world around us, there's so many things I would love to be able to teach you about. But the key is finding out what it is that you want to learn about. So feel free to contact me via the JotForm here on the site or e-mailing me about your suggestions. And each week, I will respond to them as best I can.

How do you like that title? That is going to be the new slogan for this very website, our motto. Because if only you could see things through my eyes, you would see a whole new world you probably didn't realize existed. I want to thank my good friend, Grace, for the idea to use it.

In other words, folks, you're going to start seeing a lot more interactivity between you and I at this very site. I want this to be one of your favorite bookmarks when it's all said and done. And the reason is just as the title says. If you could see what I can see.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What Is My Time Worth To You?

If you didn't know, I have maintained the same prices on all my readings since the day this site was launched. And that was almost five years ago, (five years on August 20!) As I sit here and try to think of other sites or businesses anywhere that have maintained that record, I can't think of one. All businesses raise prices, be it retail or just internet sites.

The reason I bring this up is because I have been thinking about my pricing structure for a while now. And the reason for that is because I have debated on raising the rates just a little on a couple of readings. And the reason is simple, my friends.

The cost of living is raising constantly, and honestly, I have more bills to pay than I once did. So many things go into this website, and my business. For example, I pay for the server fees that allow you to access this site. I pay for the phone line I use when I call one of you. I pay for the cost of broadband internet to be able to remain in contact with all of you.

Before you get concerned, I am not thinking about some huge raise in prices. No one thing would be raised more than $5, many not even that high. But it is something that grows more necessary as the days and weeks go by.

But there is an alternative here. I hear from a great many of you how great you think my rates are. And I love that! And even how you say my readings are worth more than the price you pay. So what would you say if I simply put a tip jar (so to speak) on my site? If you feel like you want to contribute with no strings attached, would you use it?

I'm willing to give it a try, if enough people show interest in the idea. Because quite frankly, raising any rate to me is hard. I like keeping things the way they are, but at some point, I also have to continue being able to pay my bills. Something I'm sure we can all understand.

So what do you think? A minor (less than $5) raise in some of the rates? Or a little tip jar where you can just give what you think my time was worth to you? Let me hear your thoughts through my website, or e-mail me at my Gmail address!

As always, I thank you for your continued support. Without you, there is no me!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bring Our Children Home

If you are anything like me, you see everyday on the news or in the paper or on the web about the war this country is waging in Iraq. And if you are anything like me, it bothers you to no end how things are progressing there. It's time to bring our men and women home!

I have the utmost respect for our servicemen and women who work overseas in the Middle East in the hopes of procuring safety and democracry through a region which is quite unaccustomed to such luxuries. But we are there for the wrong reasons, my friends.

We were led to believe there were weapons there that would harm us. We were wrong. We were led to believe that we are fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here. That is false logic as well.

On September 11, over 3,000 lives were taken when the World Trade Centers came down. These were civilian lives, people who had nothing to do with what killed them. In Iraq as it stands now, this war we are waging has claimed over 650,000 civilian lives. These people are not jihadists. They are not considered terrorists. They are like you and I, people trying to live their lives in harmony and peace.

To me personally, an American life is no more precious than the life of someone from another country. An innocent life is an innocent life, despite your nationality. We are fighting a war that is claiming more innocent lives than guilty ones. And to me, this is wrong.

I can not speak for the entire country, and I can not speak for anyone else but me. But I feel very strongly as do many I have talked with when I say what I am about to say. It's time to bring the nation's children home.

When is the right time to ask someone to die for a mistake?

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Virginia Tech

I can not begin to tell you how proud I am of my newly redesigned website. I have gotten nothing but rave reviews from all who have seen it, and those kudos go to my web designer, Elizabeth, of E Dream Designs. As she did with the original site, she continues to impress with her talent and skill! And that site would not be possible without her effort. And that is why I am truly indebted to her.

As I have said previously, this blog will be a forum for my thoughts and concerns. And this week will be mute testament to that. As I'm sure you have all heard and know, we are over a week removed from the horrific tragedy that took place at Virginia Tech recently. And while the senseless deaths of the faculty and student body were tragic, the thing I believe that bears a spotlight is the fact that the media gave this sick young man exactly what he wanted.

He wanted attention, he wanted everyone to know who he was. He wanted the spotlight, and sadly that is what he got. And sadly the fact he was so widely publicized has also lead to the countless bomb threats and whatnot that has plagued campuses and schools alike since this unfortunate event.

It saddens me to no extent when anything of this nature takes place, but giving these types of acts so much publicity and press, we only feed the beast, so to speak. Others who may or may not feel like this particular boy did now feel emboldened, and see him as some sort of martyr. And now they feel even more entitled to follow in his footsteps.

I know we as a people have a right to know, and I am very much a big proponent of that philosophy. But while the news channels focused intently on the disturbed boy who did these things, they forgot about the real heroes of this event.

The professor who gave his life to save those of his pupils, the students whom were shot in an attempt to save their classmates. If there is any good to be gleaned from this tragedy, it is that we all saw true heroism in action. Though unfortunately, that was not nearly big enough as a story for the media. These people are the ones worthy of our attention and prayers, not the sick and disturbed boy who made this tragedy occur.

If nothing else, this once again proves that everyday people can be heroes. And those people have my admiration and heartfelt gratitude, because they are the ones who show the enduring good in humanity. God bless you all!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Place For My Thoughts

Hello there, ladies and gentlemen! I want to welcome you here to my very own blog! It seems like blogs are all over the place these days, and generally from people all across the world in every walk of life. And as my web designer and I were discussing new site improvements, we both agreed that a blog would make for a very interesting addition.

So as we were planning out the redesign, I wanted to surprise you all with this new feature. It is my hope that you will come back and read this on a regular basis, and that you also like the new site redesign! Personally, I think it looks spectacular!

You might be curious to know what will be discussed here, and the simple answer is anything and everything. You will find what is on my mind, my thoughts on things going on in the world around us, and quite possibly a hundred other things that I haven't even thought of yet.

Either way, I want to welcome you here, and hope you will join me on this new adventure. I can think of no better way to communicate with everyone at once than through this medium. I thank you for your support over the years, as without you, none of this would be possible!

Let the blogging begin!